Lot 16

Ancient Punch Marked Coinage Whorl type of the Northern Upper Ganga region Normally attributed to Kuru or Dakshina Panchala Mahajanapada Silver Vimshatika

Auction # 21 Lucknow (Online)

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 21000 - 25000
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Catalog Reference #
Hardaker # Non-Imperial series, pg. 101-103
Metal Composition
Lot Grade/Condition
very fine
28.44 mm
4.39 gms
6th-4th Century BC

Ancient, Punch Marked Coinage, Whorl type of the Northern Upper Ganga region, Normally attributed to Kuru or Dakshina Panchala Mahajanapada, (6th-4th Century BC), Silver Vimshatika, 4.39 gms, 28.44 mm, Obverse: Four main punches consisting of wavy designs, Reverse: Banker’s marks, A good specimen with the obverse patterns clearly seen, Hardaker # Non-Imperial series, pg. 101-103, very fine, very rare in this grade.