Lot 32

Ancient Post Kushana Series Kipunada Gold Dinara

Auction # 19 Lucknow (Online)

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 70000 - 75000
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Catalog Reference #
Mitchiner # 3581-3583
Metal Composition
Lot Grade/Condition
very fine
17.90 mm
7.74 gms
ca. AD 335-350

Ancient, Post Kushana Series, Kipunada (ca. AD 335-350), Gold Dinara, 7.74 gms, 17.90 mm, Obverse: Crowned and diademed king standing with head turned to left, holding a standard in his left hand and sacrificing at altar with his right hand, a trishul behind the altar, crude Bactrian legend around partially seen, Brahmi legend ‘BhaDra’ under left arm and ‘kipanada’ in extreme right, Reverse: Goddess of plenty Ardoksho enthroned, holding diadem and cornucopia, crude Bactrian legend ’APΔOXþO’ partially seen at extreme right, tamgha at left, Mitchiner # 3581-3583, very fine, extremely rare.