Lot 361

IK Nawabs of Bengal INO Alamgir II Azimabad Mint Jahangirnagar Dhaka Mint Murshidabad Mint Set of 3 Coins Silver Rupee

Auction # 19 Lucknow (Online)

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 12000 - 15000
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Catalog Reference #
KM # 460.5, 460.9 & 460.15
Metal Composition
Lot Grade/Condition
very fine
21.17 mm, 22.88 mm, 23.68 mm
11.54 gms, 11.61 gms, 11.55 gms
AH 1167-1173, 1755-1761 AD

Independent Kingdoms, Nawabs of Bengal, INO Alamgir II (AH 1167-1173, 1755-1761 AD), Set of 3 Coins, Silver Rupee, 1). 11.54 gms, 21.17 mm, Azimabad Mint (off flan), attributed to Azimabad mint by style, AH 1171, RY 4, 2). 11.61 gms, 22.88 mm, Jahangirnagar (Dhaka) Mint (fully visible at bottom on rev), RY 5, 3). 11.55 gms, 23.68 mm, Murshidabad Mint (partially visible at bottom on rev), RY 4, All these coins had been issued during the time of Bengal Nawab Siraj-ud-Doulah as the period of RY 3 of Alamgir II was from 05/1756 AD (08/1169 AH) to 04/1757 AD (08/1170 AH). And the reign period of last independent Bengal Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula was 04/1756 AD (07/1169 AH) to 23/06/1757 AD (05/10/1170 AH), So the ry/date combination comes under the ruling period of Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula, The deputy governor of Azimabad was Rajah Ramnarain and the deputy governor of Jahangirnagar was Rajah Raidurlabh though he was arrested by last independent Nawab of Bengal Siraj-ud-daulah, KM # 460.5, 460.9 & 460.15, very fine, very rare as a set.