Lot 5

Ancient Punch Marked Coinage from Ghagra-Gandak River Valley Narhan Hoard type Series 1 Usually attributed to Shakya Janapada Silver Double Karshapana

Auction # 21 Lucknow (Online)

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 10000 - 12000
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  • Auction Completed!

Catalog Reference #
Hardaker # NH Series 1, pg. 212
Metal Composition
Lot Grade/Condition
very fine
15.20 x 27.28 mm
7.14 gms
Double Karshapana
6th-4th Century BC

Ancient, Punch Marked Coinage, from Ghagra-Gandak River Valley, (6th-4th Century BC), Narhan Hoard type, Series 1, Usually attributed to Shakya Janapada, Silver Double Karshapana, 7.14 gms, 15.20 x 27.28 mm, Obverse: One deep pentagon shaped central punch with a blob in the middle, other ancillary punches/banker marks, Reverse: One banker mark, The Narhan hoard series is considered as one of the earliest coin series of the Indian sub-continent, Hardaker # NH Series 1, pg. 212, very fine, very rare.