Lot 90

Ancient Panchala Agnimitra Copper Heavy Unit

Auction # 21 Lucknow (Online)

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 12000 - 15000
  • Unsold
  • Auction Completed!

Catalog Reference #
Unlisted in major publications
Metal Composition
Lot Grade/Condition
about very fine
23.53 mm
6.81 gms
Heavy Unit
1st Century BC/AD

Ancient, Panchala, Agnimitra (1st Century BC/AD), Copper Heavy Unit, 6.81 gms, 23.53 mm, Obverse: Depiction of God Agni standing on a platform with flames rising from his head, Reverse: Standing deity Agni seen on the top in a sideways direction within a rectangular enclosure, Brahmi legend ‘Agimitrasa’ below, The Agni motif on the reverse makes the specimen very rare, Reference # Unlisted in major publications, about very fine, very rare.