Lot 369

IK Jammu Ranjit Dev Dar ul-Aman Jammu Mint Silver Rupee
- Independent Kingdoms / Jammu

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 2500 - 3000
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 370

IK Maratha Confederacy domain of the Nawabs of Sawanoor as Maratha vassals INO Muhammad Shah Bankapur Mint Silver Rupee
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 3000 - 4000
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 371

IK Maratha Confederacy Domains of the Kolhapur Chhatrapatis INO Muhammad Shah Narsinpur Sarkar Torgal Mint Silver Rupee
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 4000 - 5000
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 372

IK Maratha Confideracy INO Alamgir II Bagalkot Mint Silver Rupee
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 1000 - 1200
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 373

IK Maratha Confideracy INO Alamgir II Bagalkot Mint Silver Rupee
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 1000 - 1200
  • Unsold
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 374

IK Maratha Issue INO Shah Alam II Akbarabad Mint Copper Paisa
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 800 - 1000
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 375

IK Maratha Confideracy INO Shah Alam II Bindraban Mint Copper Paisa
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 800 - 1000
  • Unsold
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 376

IK Maratha Confideracy INO Shah Alam II Bindraban Mint Copper Paisa
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 1000 - 1200
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 377

IK Maratha Confederacy Muhiabad Poona Mint By type Copper Paisa
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 500 - 700
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 378

IK Maratha Confederacy INO Shah Alam II Ravishnagar Sagar Mint Silver Rupee
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 1000 - 1200
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 379

IK Maratha Confideracy INO Shah Alam II Srinagar Mint Silver Rupee
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 1000 - 1200
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 380

IK Maratha Issue INO Shah Alam II Copper Paisa
- Independent Kingdoms / Maratha Confideracy

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 1200 - 1500
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 381

IK Mysore Tipu Sultan Patan Mint Silver Rupee
- Independent Kingdoms / Mysore

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 22000 - 25000
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 382

IK Mysore Tipu Sultan Patan Mint Silver Rupee
- Independent Kingdoms / Mysore

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 22000 - 25000
  • Unsold
  • Auction Completed!

Lot 383

IK Nawabs of Bengal INO Alamgir II Azimabad Patna Mint Silver Rupee
- Independent Kingdoms / Nawabs of Bengal

  • Estimated Price (INR)
  • 3000 - 4000
  • Price Realised -
  • Auction Completed!